96 | The Fear of Disappointing Your Parents

Parents pressure

Wanting to make our parents proud is a great thing - until it begins to come at the cost of our own wants and desires in life. Something that we begin to run into more and more as we begin to grow up and enter into ''adult world''.

We then tend to become paralysed from making a decision in fear of disapointing our parents if we know it's not what they'd ideally want for us - this is something I can definitely relate to.

So tune into this episode as I dive into how to get ''unstuck'' and work your way through the fear of letting down your parents by showing you it's actually impossible to disappoint them -

and what other options you have to move forward in a way that actually helps improve your relationship with them, and yourself. 

Don’t forget:

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97 | Having A Bad Day? Put This On Repeat - Part 2


95 | How to Start a Successful Business Before Finishing School